Miscellaneous updates, 2014-09-07

Good day all,

Just a quick note to reassure you all that I’m still around.  As alluded to in the previous post, in July we bought a new house, which happily has plenty of space just waiting to be adapted to a well-equipped electronics lab.  Before I can get back to hardware design, I’ve got a lot of work to do – all my test equipment and projects-in-progress are still spread amongst dozens of storage bins.  The lab, a previously unfinished area of the house, needs lighting installed and electrical and data wiring run in addition to furniture and storage needs.  Getting the lab up and running in full capacity is my immediate concern, and I appreciate everyone’s patience during this process.  Updates on the projects on this site to follow… someday.

8 thoughts on “Miscellaneous updates, 2014-09-07

  1. TheHobbyist

    Hey Mike!

    I’d love to see blog posts about the transformation of the unfinished space to electronics workshop! What do you think?

    1. mike Post author

      We’ll see. Right now it looks a bit like an electronics scrap truck crashed in there… I probably won’t have things the way I want them for some years (budget constraints and whatnot)… But we’ll see 🙂

  2. Bill

    Hope all is coming along on the house. I wonder if you have time to add an outline to the Retina Display board “STENCILS” files?? I want to try out the OSH Stencil site and they prefer an outline in the gerbers. I’m not sure of the impact of not having an outline, so thought it might be an easy or quick update.
    Thanks for the cnsideration and good luck with the house projects
    Best regards,
    Bill F.

    1. mike Post author

      I responded to Bill via email, but for anyone else who is wondering, the board outline is the “.gm2” file in the main Gerbers package. Given that this problem has come up I will start packaging the .gm2 with the other stencil files, but until I get around to that, you’ll have to download both archives and copy it over.

  3. Ravi

    Any chance of getting an iPad Mini Retina screen working with a DP interface? I’ve just got an Adafruit + iPad 4 screen and think it’s great, but I would really like an iPad mini screen for another project.



    1. mike Post author

      I unfortunately don’t know anything about the iPad Mini Retina panel… once I find a spec sheet for it I’ll be able to give you a better answer!

  4. Riko

    Hi Mike! It is your last update…
    Do you still have Macbook retina version around?
    If so I’d be interested in buying one! Ho about the shipping to Italy!
    Thanks a lot!


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